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Outdoor School for All offers an opportunity for every 5th or 6th grader in Oregon to attend an outdoor school program. Camp Lutherwood is an ideal setting for outdoor school programs and is an American Camp Association accredited facility. It’s a great place for students to unplug and learn science in the field.

The site can accommodate 170 overnight guests with a capacity of four classrooms at a time. It offers a wide variety of hiking trails through unique forest ecosystems, a section of the Long Tom River, and access to another creek and small ponds for exploration. The facilities include covered areas for instruction, comfortable cabins, and a nurse’s cottage. Outdoor school programs provide a meaningful experience where students learn about the world around them and are always a lot of fun!

Camp Lutherwood Oregon is located 25 miles northwest of Eugene and 15 miles west of Junction City with easy access to Highway 99 off of Highway 36 in the coastal foothills. Tours are available upon request. Please call the camp office at 541-998-6444 or email us at to schedule your tour and to obtain more information regarding bringing students to Camp Lutherwood for outdoor school.